Valentine’s Day in Portland!

Portland, OR 2-12-2020

To whoever broke into my car last night: I am choosing compassion for you. Maybe you are in a dark place, desperate. Maybe breaking into my car was your last resort. No matter what the reason, I am sending nothing but forgiveness and love your way.

Thank you, because this gave me a choice to make. I could be angry, resentful and even be disheartened by this. But I choose to forgive you, because I too have been in dark and desperate times. And I have also chose solutions at the cost of others.. I have no room to judge you. In addition, I even found a way to make the absolute best of this, and use my open window to spread love on the road…(:

Love& light, my heart to yours -Spring


Facebook- Moment To Moment

Sign this if you hugged someone!

Shoutout to Alissa from Seattle, who took time out of her day to send me an update on the poster I left near Pikes Place market!!! I’m so excited to see the love that’s been added. Love this.

Hugs in Seattle pt. 2 !!! :)

Hugs in Seattle

Thank you Seattle, Washington!!!!

My first project took place today, and the results, feedback and inspiration I noticed was so moving. I touched many lives and soo many touched me as well. For all of you waiting to see your pictures/videos taken with me, it will all be up tomorrow in the afternoon πŸ™‚ Due to my project going longer than I planned, I couldn’t get to a library in time to get it all uploaded and put together tonight. Come back and see tomorrow!!!

Special shout out to Raymond, for being the first to come and connect with me. You truly set the tone for the whole day.

Email me pictures if we took any together today, you can find the submissions email at the end of my first post πŸ™‚ thank you again Seattle!!! Come back tomorrow!!!

Live & light, my heart to yours

-Spring Waters.

What is moment to moment?

I have created moment to moment to connect with people just like you worldwide. So that we can unify as one, and together be an active contribution to healing this world. We start by asking ourselves this beautiful question, “how can I make a difference here, now, in this moment?”

The goal is to engage this way in my daily life. Seeking out ways to make someone smile, make the world brighter, and enroll others all around me to do the same. Whether it’s leaving a note of gratitude for someone, or doing an act of service for your community. I am challenging myself and all of you to create a world where these acts of kindness are an everyday habit, and where we are looking out for each other, because we are one. The time is now.

This website is still under construction, I will be updating it frequently with pictures, videos and posts of me being my contribution and challenging you to do the same and will have more pages and categories. If you have any feedback, concerns, questions or comments you can reach me by e-mail

Love & Light, my heart to yours.