Thanksgiving service.

Myself and 4 other friends chose to be of service yesterday, by creating Thanksgiving dinner for those who may not have the means to have it this year. Within just three hours, between the five of us, we collected almost 200$, purely in donations. This is huge, I am ecstatic to know how many people wanted to be apart of this in whatever way they chose to be. Whether it was a friend spreading the word, or the people sending in the money through venmo, cashapp, etc… or even the people supporting us energetically, with their words of kindness, it made this all possible. With this, we had put together enough food to make 24 dinner plates, and still have money leftover which has gone directly into winter hats, gloves, scarves, and socks for the Winter coat drive this week. We gathered all of the food, and head straight to my house and got to work. It is purely magical, how we all just got to work in the kitchen. There was no “You’ll do this and I’ll do that”, there was an ease and a flow to it. We just made it happen. We took all of the plates over to the 7-11 by my house, and at first, there wasn’t really anyone there like I had hoped. and within minutes people were gathering around our car, getting their plate and enjoying an early celebration with us. One woman said to us something that really stood out to me, she said, “I don’t remember the last time I had Thanksgiving dinner.” And that really touched me. We took time to talk and connect with everyone, and the same woman let us know, “You have no idea what this means to me, we get so much flack out here, this is amazing.” And it is comments like that, that keep me going. That is exactly my vision with Moment To Moment, to create a safe space, for connection, vulnerability, and intimacy through service. Especially in the areas of society that are missing it the most.
It really hit me, as I was cooking in my kitchen with four other women, how grateful I am that I have a home to do this in. I used to be the one outside, receiving the warm gifts of service from others. I can count infinite times that it truly saved my life, times that I was so close to choosing out of my life, and one kind soul at a time, I was able to go into my recovery and rehabilitation feeling empowered and loved. I am beyond grateful for this, and so I will always give back for that reason. You never know, and a very wise person in my life, that I look up to a great deal once told me something like this, “See yourself on someone else’s vision board.”
My heart to yours.

5 Days left until my first annual coat drive!

As the days near, I am getting more and more excited to be back out there and creating connections in my community. The energy of service has already begun to present itself in my space, and I remember just how much my heart aches for those moments. I was on my way to work a couple of days ago, getting gas when a young man came up to me and asked if I would buy him something to eat inside. We went in the store and on our way in he asked me “Does my face look bad?” and I saw that he had a split lip, and dried blood around his nose, and multiple cuts on his face. He shared with me that someone had hurt him, and that it had been like that for a week and a half. I asked him if after he got something to eat, if he would let me assist him in getting cleaned up a little bit, and he agreed. I got some napkins and some water and did what I could with what we had, to at least get him feeling a little more comfortable. His name is Stacey, he is just around my age, around 25 years old. He shared with me some of the things he has been through, how he ended up in Utah, why he started using drugs, and something that stood out to me is when I asked him if he knew of a few resources that could get him case management, treatment, etc… He said “I know about getting clean and all of that, I’m just not ready” and the only words I could come up with were “That’s okay”. I continued to help him get cleaned up, and we parted ways in gratitude. I have learned something very important over these last few years, mostly once I started working in a harm reduction/housing first program that specifically offers services to those who have either faced homelessness, or are very close to, due to substance abuse and mental illness. I have learned that it’s not about fixing people, giving them a house, giving them the opportunity to do treatment and turn their life around in that way. It’s not about forcing abstinence and societal standards upon people. It’s about meeting these people where they are at, and offering them moments of safety, connection, and unconditional love. I know that Stacey walked away with something to eat, and he walked away knowing that he is loved, and with the experience of a safe space, even just for 10 minutes to connect and be taken care of by another human being. There was a moment with Stacey, when I was holding the side of his face with one hand, and wiping away the dirt and blood with the other, and the word “intimacy” came to me. In that moment, he looked at ease, there was a moment of peace, there was oneness between us. The word intimacy, meaning “Into me, you see”, a moment of emotional closeness and comfort. I will forever hold this interaction very close to my heart, it is moments like those that truly embody what I intend to create through Moment To Moment.

I have already started to gather more people to assist and support me in not only my coat drive in Salt Lake City, but another one I will be hosting in Ogden as well shortly after. I am so excited to see where this goes, and to make even more connections along the way. If you would like to find out more ways to be involved, I am available here:
Enjoy this photo from Valentine’s day in Portland, 2020. Forever one of my favorite moments captured.
My heart to yours.
*Disclaimer* I always encourage wisdom and safety when being of service out in your community, gloves were used when helping Stacey with his wounds, and I felt comfortable helping a stranger due to it being broad daylight outside in a public setting where there were plenty people around in case something was out of alignment. Please be safe and use wisdom as well if you choose to be of service to a vulnerable population!

New annual Winter coat drive.

I am super excited to announce this upcoming project, to bring Moment To Moment back to life. This is long overdue, and something that I have had in the works for quite some time now. I will be at the address above on the flyer collecting supplies for this Winter, to be given to those in my home community here in Salt Lake City, Utah. Once all of these supplies are collected, I have spent this last year putting together an amazing team of people to assist me in the process of making sure they are given out personally by us.

I choose to give out supplies personally, because Moment To Moment was created by me as a result of my passion for doing everything in my power to make sure that the people I come across in my journey feel seen, heard, loved, and valued by myself and my team. I am not just gathering supplies and handing them out, I am creating a safe space for an authentic and meaningful connection, a space of acceptance, transparency, and oneness. There is no separation here.

My purpose is to be of service to humanity, through intimacy and vulnerability, so that unconditional love, connection, and forgiveness are freely given throughout the world. Moment To Moment is a movement I have created to inspire others to share this vision for the world with me. I am so excited to be back and have another big project in the works. I will also be hosting another Winter coat drive in the Weber County area after this one, so stay tuned for that! If you would like more information on how you can be involved and contribute, feel free to DM me via Instagram: Thank you, my heart to yours.